North East Cabbagetree Island
Quickly becoming a favourite local boat dive location, the North East corner of Cabbage Tree Island is alive with huge sponge gardens and marine life. This site is more exposed than others making it a treat to be able to visit! Cabbage Tree Island is accessible via one of our purpose built dive boats and includes a complimentary guide to share with your experience with you or to provide a detailed briefing to allow you to have fun with your buddy.
Anchoring on the rocks you descend to approx 15 metres where you are in a sort of U shaped rocky sandy area. With the island on your right, follow it down and around into the sponge gardens that climb the island wall and cover the floor a few metres out on the sand. Suitable for OW and Advanced divers this site compares in beauty and life to Fly Point. For those limited to 18 metres you will not go without having a huge area to explore.
Past the 18 metre mark you find the island wall you are following turns back in toward the land with an area jotting out in 20 metres beckoning you to visit. A short swim over some sand you come to two large sponge covered rock formations covered in life. Swimming slowly in a figure 8 to see the area then back to the island wall.
From here you can continue to head to the left where there is a little inlet where at the right time of year a school of juvenile grouper can be found. When it is time to turn around simply put the island wall to your left and follow it back around until you find the familiar rocky/sandy area where the anchore will be found. For those not ready to surface you can search the rocks and kelp in the area. This is also a popular meeting place for the Port Jackson Sharks late Aug and Sept during their breeding season.
Photographers of all kinds will enjoy capturing the colours and life of this site as well as those budding GoPro videographers!